After months alternating between the same two lunches, I needed something fresh; something to zap my bored noon tastebuds and remind them lunch could be drippy and salty and dirty-delicious. I wanted concentrated flavors and complementary textures that would pinball through my mouth and make me feel alive.
And so I made this taco: toasty cheddar, chewy tortilla, crispy potato, buttery egg, and an acidic, herbed-out chimichurri that pounces on all the rich flavor, bringing integral balance to each bite. If you're whipping this up for a quick workday lunch, I recommend prepping the sauce in advance to make the process a little less tedious. But I promise, this oozy, sloppy, greasy delight of a repast is worth every bit of fuss.
Sweet and Spicy Chimichurri (enough for two tacos)
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, grated
2 tsp chopped cilantro
2 tsp chopped parsley
1 tbsp diced red onion
1/8 tsp sriracha
1/4 tsp honey
Salt and pepper
Taco (makes one taco)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar
1 corn tortilla
1/2 cup shredded potato (1 small red or yellow potato)
Salt and pepper
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 tablespoon butter
1 egg
Whisk together all the chimichurri ingredients and set aside.
Shred the cheese and the potato. Use a towel to press excess moisture from the shredded potato, then season it with salt and pepper.
Heat a nonstick pan over medium heat. Lay the shredded cheese in a small pile on the pan, then place the corn tortilla on top. Flip after 30-45 seconds. Cook the second side for 20-30 seconds. Move the tortilla to a plate.
Grease the pan with olive oil, then sprinkle on the shredded potato. Flatten it into a circular cake. Once the bottom is golden, flip and cook the other side until golden (about 2 minutes on each side). Place the hash browns on top of the tortilla.
Add the butter to the hot pan. When it’s melted, pour the cracked egg into the pan. Sprinkle with salt, wait for the whites to set, then carefully flip the egg and cook for another 30-45 seconds. The yolk should still be a little runny. Season with salt and pepper and set the egg on the hash browns.
Top the egg with a big spoonful of the chimichurri, fold that taco up, and devour the fruits of your lunchtime labor.